Friday, December 30, 2011

Last Minute Crafting: Art Journals

I have been a very bad CraftSparrow. Really Tara? No Posts since August 6th? Shame on me. Contrary to popular belief however, I haven't been neglecting my crafting completely. Rather, I have somehow crammed several months of experimenting and concocting into the last few days. Im a very good procrastinator, really.

Like cleaning my desk! There's still an inch or so of space that's actually useable...

Anyway. So why the sudden push to get projects finished and stored? My answer is very simple.

                                                    NEW YEARS.

New years and I have a very interesting relationship. Usually the day before, I look back and examine all those resolutions I made this time last year, and preform the dreaded mental tally of those I did and did not complete. Anyone who knows me knows I'm not the best at finishing what I start. So, you can guess, I was surprised to find I had actually accomplished most of my list for 2011. SHOCKING!

I tried new crafts, moved to a new city, moved out on my own, changes careers, adopted a rescue dog, and maybe even did a little bit of good. There's a bit too much to catch up on, so I thought I'd do it the best way I know how: Picture-Spam! Are you ready for a visual tour of the last 5 months of my life?

I discovered some awesome wall art outside "The Flat", Charlottesville's hole in the wall Creperie. I was surprised I hadn't noticed it sooner, until I realized it's usually hidden behind all the spring vegetation. If there's one thing Charlottesville has no shortage of, it's artistic expression!

I got fantastically and wonderfully lost in the COOLEST bookstore I've ever been in, Daedalus Books on the downtown mall. This old townhouse has been absolutely filled (all four stories) with books. To Ms. Thiemens, it's like your living room, BUT BETTER. Even the tiny staircase leading down to the basement has been converted into storage space. PS: third story is poetry <3 

I wish this were MY basement...

I Played around with art journals, and have to say, it's my favorite new project so far. As a self admitted collector of blank pages, I usually have 4 or 5 journals waiting to be used. This just makes them more fun to look at. Not to mention it's incredibly easy, and most of the ones i've made took the lesser part of an afternoon. They are great excuses to try out new techniques too. 

The journals above were made as follows: 
Left - was a vintage card illustration cut out and free stitched over a piece of lace directly onto the cover. White brads fit through hole punches around the edges, and mixed ribbons were sewn along the top, as well as layered inside for bookmarks. A few buttons were hand sewn on to fill in empty spaces after this picture was taken. The back of the cover looked unattractive after all the machine stitching, so be sure to glue the first page onto the cover. The easiest way to do this is to apply archival glue all over the first page, close the cover and place a heavy book over the top to provide even pressure. Don't fuss with it for 30 minutes!! 

Right - This experiment gave me a new favorite go to technique! I stenciled on the white flowers with acrylic paint so it was just translucent. This came out the cleanest when I used a simple kitchen sponge instead of a paintbrush. Once that was dry, I outlined the stencil with matching white glitter glue for a raised texture, and I'm REALLY happy with how it came out. Flower cabachons from my jewelry kit, vintage lace scraps and other doo dads were randomly superglued to the front flap. My favorite addition is an antique french stamp at the top corner. Again, be liberal with the glitter, it makes journaling feel like a party ; )

I got in a good afternoon of playing around with my jewelry tools the other day. You'd be surprised how easy it is to make a lot of the expensive earrings you see at Anthropologie. I found an AWESOME technique book called "The Earring Style Book" if the stuff above is up your alley. It's the first book in years I've found actually useful. Highly recommended!

While thrifting, I found a totally awesome pair of clip on earrings which I converted into a couple of glammy cocktail rings using filigree backers and adjustable ring blanks. 

I used the same stencil from the journal to border a plane scarf that was a christmas present from my Dear Dear Elizabeth (Who is sadly moving away in January...) Also pictured here is an older project, where I just sorta decorated a blank canvas bag with scrap fabric roses, sequin strings and music notes drawn free hand. The cassette tape was also a stencil and spray paint. 

WHEW... Alright, that's a lot of pictures. So there you go! Proof I haven't been slacking off! I'm looking forward to a new year, new crafts, new recipes, and new resolutions! See you guys in 2012! <3

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